Sustainable Fashion: The ONE Dress You Need on a Weekend Getaway

LBD dress.JPG

Green #LifeHack:

Sustainable fashion

The 𝗼𝗻𝗲 dress you need for a weekend getaway. ⁣

Over the past year I’ve been transitioning m my closet into a sustainable wardrobe, one of the easiest ways to do this is to invest in pieces with longevity and  stuff you’ll wear over and over again.⁣

The BBC is reporting that the fashion industry accounts for...⁣

  • 10% of global carbon emissions⁣

  • 20% of wastewater⁣

  • Fashion sucks up more energy than both aviation and shipping combined.⁣

  • 70 million barrels of oil a year are used to make polyester fibers in our clothes.⁣

So YES, the number of times you wear any ONE item of clothing can make a big difference in its overall carbon footprint.⁣

This go-to LBD is from the Canadian brand Paper Label and costs $45 USD (it looks really similar to a Stella McCartney version of this dress which is over 4 times the price!) Most of my other items in this video are second hand purchases or vintage items, but I’ve listed & linked the ones I could find online:

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